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Hong Kong Carbon Trading Centre


Your carbon management solution

We are a carbon management consultancy with a mission to help firms of all types and sizes to reduce carbon emissions through strategic solutions.

What we do

Carbon Management Solutions

Commercial companies are important forces in the fight against climate change and often have to fulfil ESG promises throughout the supply chain. However, many lack the in-house knowledge or financial resources to commit to climate action. 

HKCTC provides expertise and financial support through carbon management, carbon trading, and green financing services to organizations seeking to streamline their value chain.

We provide 3 approaches to Carbon Management

Carbon Management Consulting

1. Emissions Management

2. Net Zero Manufacturing Solutions

3. Carbon Auditing

4. Certified carbon credits

Image by Van Tay Media

Carbon Trading

Turn carbon credits into assets by selling them to buyers

Image by

Green Financing

Link up with investors to provide funds for supporting manufacturing improvements

Image by Dan Meyers
Image by Benjamin L. Jones


Increased Revenue 

Additional income will be generated via carbon trading, allowing companies to gain an extra stream of revenue on top of existing business model.

Environmentally Conscious 

Reduce environmental damages and protect local communities throughout the manufacturing or operational process.

Investment Opportunity

Develop green manufacturing systems to increase productivity and output while saving costs in the long run.

Reputation Building

Fulfil ESG and CSR requirements and build greater reputation for the company.

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